Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Equestria Girls Spinoff?

So i heard that... 

Oh god..

Rainbow Rocks Toy

Look at it, what is that even...

Quiting life guys. Corgi, Signing off.



Sunday, January 19, 2014

Foal Free Press Dun Fucked up.

Local residents are rising together in a band of protest over the child-run Foal Free Press unintentionally displayed incorrect grammar in a headline article. The 2 of the writers known as: Sweetie Belle and Applebloom we're burned at the stake earlier this morning. The third writer, known as Scootaloo has evaded the angered mobs of melodramatic ponies and is believed to be receiving assistance from an assailant known as Rainbow Dash, a local weather pony.

Updates on the developing situation will be added soon.

Corgi, Signing off...

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Derpy is back!

That's right! Derpy is back on this latest episode! (10)
We are proud to announce that Derpy is finally back and is ready to drop more shit on the ponies in Ponyville.
Damn you Hasbro, they got us once again with their tricks. SO YEAH THERE YOU GO. NO NEED FOR TYPING MORE STUFF TO THIS POST :D.  So whatever. 

Controversy Over Airplane Travel and Pegasi

Lately, Many Pegasi have been picketing outside the White Stable over the recent revelation of the new technology that allows Earth and Unicorn ponies easy air travel. Pegasi are calling the new vehicle "degrading" and "obsolete" to the abilities of any Pegasi's flying prowess.

A recent interview with a local Pegasus with the name of "Ditzy Hooves" describes here opinion on the whole ordeal.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" is the answer we received, and on a personal note I couldn't agree more. Why the fuck does it matter? Just because two races of pony are breaking the rules our lord Celestia intended and are destroying the ethics of living itself doesn't mean the Pegasi need to get all pissy.Who cares anyway? Most of these will probably crash or some stupid shit so why does it matter? Celestia above...

Anyways, this has been Corgi reporting for the first time, signing off.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Slenderman is canon.

So there have been rumors going on about slenderman appearing in a My Little Pony episode. I watched it myself and it was true, slenderman is seen been the bushes but we pay too much attention to the cute ponies that we did not see him. Hasbro and their tricks thought they can let this pass.
So now you can go back to sleep knowing slender is watching you... SEE YA FAGS.. i'm sorry ;-;


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